With quick glances, Peter turned his head to the right and looked out over the Atlantic Ocean thirty feet below. There were hints of deep, translucent blue but mostly the ocean shimmered like diamond dust, all white light too bright to hold any colour at all.
Crispin Haskins
Martha’s Vineyard Summer 2020
2020 could be a very special summer for those who make the trip!
Martha’s Vineyard in Spring
Spring On Martha’s Vineyard Is Beautiful No Matter What Is Going On
Keep Martha’s Vineyard With You All Year Round!
Reading is the BEST way to keep Martha’s Vineyard with you all year!
More Firsts on Martha’s Vineyard
Some of these firsts were not mine, but they were all a good time!
June On Martha’s Vineyard
June just might be the perfect time to be on Martha’s Vineyard
Memorial Day: Decoration Day To Martha’s Vineyard
Memorial Day means something to you, but what does it really mean?
Summer On Martha’s Vineyard
Summer on Martha’s Vineyard starts for me at Best of The Vineyard
The Day I Spent At The Beach
I’ve had beach days, but this one really stands out for me…