With quick glances, Peter turned his head to the right and looked out over the Atlantic Ocean thirty feet below. There were hints of deep, translucent blue but mostly the ocean shimmered like diamond dust, all white light too bright to hold any colour at all.
Mystery Novels
Deadly Catch: An Excerpt
Meet some of the characters from Crispin’s second mystery novel.
White Shark
The room filled with an explosion of sound, a cracking, crunching, and mechanical sound…
“Don’t Tell Your Mother!”
The first time that I went to Martha’s Vineyard, it was just my Dad and me.
Deadly Catch
Charles’ face exploded through the water to find the hot July sun waiting for him…
The JAWSfest Murders
When he fell, the man smashed his head against a tree stump, wedging a piece of bark into his eye…
About Crispin
That shark. I don’t remember when that shark wasn’t a part of my life. Oh, I’ve seen photos of a small child holding a stuffed puppy or a stuffed bunny and I know that those photos were taken in a […]